Can AI Deliver Results To Grocery Promotions Visual

A Fresh Look at Grocery Promotions

How AI Helps Leading Grocers Deploy Smarter, More Profitable Promotions?

Grocery promotions are more complex and competitive than ever before. But through technology advancements, promotion operations can be changed from a guessing game into a competitive advantage.

Retailers like Amazon, Target and Walmart are already leveraging the latest technology to deploy more effective promotions. Do you have a plan in place to compete?

Cognira offers grocery retailers proven promotion solutions with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) – tackling real problems like Promotional ROI, Promotional Effectiveness and Promotional Forecasting. Our customers are already experiencing multi-million dollar savings by using AI technology to increase gross margins by 15%, increase in-stock improvement by 10%, and reduce cycle times by 40%.

Join us for a short webinar, where we explain how AI is changing promotions and walk through real results that leading grocers are currently experiencing!

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