Analytics Evolution

Video: Analytics Evolution

The Analytics Evolution Analytics buzzwords are used every day. (Big data, ML/AI, deep learning ring a bell?) But before we dive into those, let’s start with the basics…what is #analytics and how has it progressed over time? In our latest blog, we take you through the analytics evolution – from descriptive to cognitive analytics –

Analytics Evolution

Analytics Evolution and its Impact on Retailers

Analytics Evolution and its Impact on Retailers Over the last decade, we have seen Data Analytics evolve at a tremendously fast pace. With the introduction of Big Data, the Cloud, Data Warehouses, and Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics had to move with the times…fast. Despite analytics playing a key role in technology, many are unable to

Data Science Team in Retail

Video: Creating a Successful Data Science Team in Retail

Creating a Successful Data Science Team in Retail While it may seem simple to hire Data Scientists, it is complicated to create a long-lasting successful team without first understanding a few major points. In this video, we take you through 3 important steps before you begin the hiring process: Goals/Objective for your Data Science team

Data Science Team in Retail

Creating a successful data science team in retail

Creating a Successful Data Science Team in Retail Data Science has the power to positively impact retail companies due to its fact-based data-driven insights. Though successful Data Science teams are often associated with technology companies, many successful retail companies are utilizing Data Science daily to further drive their success and stay ahead of their competitors

Excess Data And Growth

3 Ways excess data can stunt your growth

3 Ways excess data can stunt your growth We love data. But we also know excess data can be a bad thing. Here are three ways we’ve seen retailers use data to their detriment and some ideas on how to avoid these pitfalls. 1. Analyzing anecdotes One data challenge we’ve seen is people manually reviewing


Were there really 132 artificial intelligence companies at NRF?

Were there really 132 artificial intelligence companies at NRF? OVERVIEW Artificial intelligence and machine learning were a huge buzz at NRF, and it seemed like every other booth had some mention of it. The NRF program listed 132 exhibitors as “AI” providers in their guide. Are AI and machine learning truly that pervasive and are