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Sales lift from promotions

What is a sales lift?

Sales lift is a crucial metric for evaluating the impact of a promotion on sales. It measures the percentage increase in sales during the promotion compared to a baseline period, providing a clear view of how effective your promotion has been.
Upward bar chart with a dollar sign-sales lift

Why Sales Lift Matters

Tracking sales lift helps you understand the effectiveness of your promotional strategies. It’s not just about the total number of units sold but about how much your promotion has improved sales compared to what you would have sold without it.
Gear with a dollar sign and price tag- sales lift importance

How to Calculate Sales Lift?

To calculate sales lift, use this formula:
Calculator with a percentage symbol-sales lift calculation
sales lift formula


If your baseline sales are 300 units and your promotion drives sales up to 500 units, your sales lift is 67%. This means your promotion resulted in a 67% increase compared to the baseline sales.

In summary, sales lift provides valuable insight into the effectiveness of your promotional efforts, helping you assess and optimize your marketing strategies for better results.

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