grocers promotions planning

How grocers can effectively run the right promotions in 3 steps

How grocers can effectively run the right promotions in 3 steps Are you running the right promotions? Are you giving away too much margin? Did you know that 89% of Grocers don’t have the data needed to analyze promotions? This means that many Grocers don’t know how their promotions performed, nor have an accurate reason for why they chose their

Inventory Management and Promotional Strategy

What your inventory can tell you about your promotional strategies

What your inventory can tell you about your promotional strategies Many retail challenges, like promotions and inventory management, impact and require coordination across many areas of the business. It is key as a retail business to work across functional areas and bring different perspectives to the table.  Below are some thoughts about promotions from the POV of

large grocery chain

Video: 3 Simple Ways to Better Manage Grocery Inventory

3 Simple Ways to Better Manage Grocery Inventory Improving your grocery inventory is not as hard as you might think! We came up with 3 simple ways to better manage grocery inventory. Merchandising Decisions Supply Chain Flexibility Store Inventory Management Do you have any tricks for better managing your inventory? Interested in learning more about

Video: Get More Value From Your Data

Get More Value From Your Data 89% of grocers don’t have the readily-available data to assess promotions. Do you know how your grocery promotions are performing? Do you have a clear picture of each promotion’s ROI? The lack of promotion insight results in a lack of promotion optimization — costing grocers million of dollars each